Sinfis' spring season begins - program and schedule!

Sinfis' spring season begins on Monday the 21st of February at 17-20 in Musica building, M103-hall. We welcome all new and old players!

The project for spring season is a conductor course that has been moved from February to April. Sinfis is the training orchestra for the course. The program for the course includes Karelia-suite and Valse Triste by Sibelius and Miriam-cantata by Pacius. This will be the first time Miriam is performed in Jyväskylä. The choir for cantata is Cantinovum, directed by Rita Varonen. The orchestra is prepared by Mari Karppinen for the conductor course.

Schedule for spring:
Mon 21.2. first rehearsals, at 17-20 @M103-hall
Sat-Sun 26.–27.3. and 9.–10.4. rehearsal weekend, @M103
Fri–Sun 22.-24.4. conductor course, @Hannikaissali

Lisäksi tiedossa on saunailta Puhkupillien kanssa la 2.4.

The start of Sinfis' spring season is postponed

Sinfis' spring season was supposed to start on Monday 10.1. but because of the corona situation and all uncertainties the start is postponed. The board of Sinfis is waiting from instructions from the university before the season can start. We hope we get to start the season as soon as possible and play together again!

Sinfis as the orchestra for a conductor course in spring 2022

Helmikuussa 2022 Sinfis toimii orkesterina Pirkanmaan Pinnan järjestämällä kapellimestarikurssilla Jyväskylässä. Kurssi piti alunperin toteuttaa jo syksyllä 2020, mutta koronan takia se toteutuu vasta nyt. Ohjelmistossa kurssilla on Sibeliuksen Karelia-sarja ja Valse triste sekä Paciuksen kantaatti Miriam, jota ei ole aiemmin esitetty Jyväskylässä! Kantaattia varten projektissa on mukana Cantinovum-kuoro, jota johtaa Rita Varonen. Kapukurssia varten orkesterin harjoituttaa Mari Karppinen.

Aikataulut. Kurssin ohjelmistoa harjoitellaan jo syksyllä kahtena maanataina 29.11. ja 13.12. normaaliin treeniaikaan 17-20 M103-salissa, tervetuloa soittamaan! Tammikuussa harjoitukset ovat poikkeuksellisesti 18-21 ja kevätkausi alkaa 10.1.2022! Maanantaiharjoitusten lisäksi harjoittelemme kapukurssia varten harjoitusviikonlopussa la-su 29.-30.1.22. Kapukurssi itsessään on pe-su 18-20.2. Hannikaissalissa, jossa on myös kurssin päätöskonsertti sunnuntaina 20.2.!

Sinfiksellä on tulossa toinenkin projekti ja konsertti keväälle 2022, josta tiedotamme lisää myöhemmin! Joka tapauksessa, tervetuloa kaikki uudet ja vanhat soittajat mukaan kapukurssi-projektiin – jo nyt syksyllä, jos vain pääset tai sitten tammikuussa 2022!

Romanttinen ilta - Fri 26.11. 18:30 o'clock, Taulumäki church

Welcome to the concert!

The fall season concert of Sinfis is on the 26.11. at 18:30 at Taulumäki church. Part of the program of this concert was planned to spring 2020 but the concert then was cancelled a mere week before because of the corona situation. Now we've practiced some of the pieces again, added some now once and it's time for the concert! Please come and enjoy a romantic evening with the orchestra!

Let's take care of corona safety together! Only arrive to the concert if you have no flue symptoms. We strongly recommend the use of a face mask. The amount of the people at the concert is restricted: less than 500 concert guests.

Even though the number of people is limited, there should still be enough space and seats for everyone. However, you can reserve a programme in advance and in that way reserve a seat as well. Please contact for programme reservation. You can also pay the programme in advance if you wish, and in that case the needed information to do so will be sent to you via email. Please be in contact about the reservation or advance payment at latest on Thursday the 25.11. 16:00 o'clock.

Please state in the email:
- Your name
- Number and type of programmes you wish to purchase
- Would you like to pay the programme(s) in advance or upon arrival

You will receive a confirmation and the instructions for payment via email. The reserved programmes should be redeemed by 6.10 pm at the latest, but this does not apply to the pre-purchased programmes. Please note that we only accept cash at the concert place.