Sinfiksen joulu: Yhteislaulukonsertti
Jyväskylä University symphony orchestra Sinfis plays a chrismassy sing-along concert. The programm concists of the most beloved Christmas hymns as well as classical pieces performed by the orchestra to lead the listeners to festive mood.
Jyväskylä University, Main building c-hall
Sat 10.12. 2022 at 17
Conductor Saana Sutinen
Sylvian joululaulu
Varpunen jouluaamuna
Jouluyö, juhlayö
Arkihuolesi kaikki heitä
Heinillä härkien
Me käymme joulun viettohon
En etsi valtaa loistoa
Konsta Jylhän Joululaulu
Maa on niin kaunis
Hanget korkeat, nietokset
Salut d’Amour (E. Elgar)
Preludium (A. Järnefelt)
Tickets 10€ / 10€

Yhteiskonsertin käsiohjelma

Sound of Seminaarinmäki – Sinfis & Puhkupillit joint concert
Sinfis will give a concert together with the Jyväskylä University Wind Orchestra Puhkupillit on 19th Novemeber in Kuokkala church at 19:00. The concert program includes both traditional and newer symphony orchestra music, as well as more entertaining music, in the spirit of both orchestras. Finally, the concert evening culminates when an estimated 80-member ensemble performs togehter beloved classics from musicals Sound of Music, The Phantom of the Opera and West Side Story.
The ensemble heard in the concert is not quite a traditional symphony orchestra: there are more wind players than usually in a symphony orchestra. This and the large size of the orchestra have brought their own challenges into rehearsing: the volume rises easily and, the players sitting on sides of the orchestra may not be able to properly hear what is being played on the other side.
-Working with new challenges and an impressive-sized orchestra makes this concert wonderful. Combining the different styles of two orchestras requires the players to have courage to trust the conductor, says the orchestra's conductor Saana Sutinen, who conducts the collaborative pieces and Sinfis' part.
Jyväskylä University Wind Orchestra Puhkupillit was founded in 1983. Despite its official name, the orchestra also consists of students from other educational institutions in Jyväskylä, as well as music enthusiasts already entered the working life. Throughout the season, Puhkut plays many kind of music depending on the nature of the event. In this concert, the orchestra presents their skills in symphonic wind music. In the upcoming concert, Puhkupillit are conducted by Lassi Takanen and Sini Korhonen.
Puhkut and Sinfis have worked side by side and cooperated for decades now. The joint concert being organized now is by no means the only one of its kind, but the orchestras last performed together in 2011 and 2002. However, it seems that you only get to hear a similar, impressive-sized local ensemble once every ten years, so it is clearly worth coming to listen to this rather rare lineup!
In addition, the concert gives a brilliant start to the upcoming anniversary celebrations of both orchestras next year. In 2023, Puhkupillit will celebrate its 40th anniversary, and Sinfis its 30th anniversary.
Program 15 € / 10 € (students, pensioners, unemployed...)
Buying the program in advance:
Send an email to by 17th November at the latest
Please state in the email:
- Your name
- number of programs you'd like to purchase
- type of the program(s) (normal prise/discount)
You will receive a receipt and payment instructions by e-mail. Pre-purchased programs can be picked up on the concert day from 18:00 at the Kuokkala church.
Warmly welcome to the concert!
The Fall Season starts on September 5
Autumn is here, which means that Sinfis will play and enjoy music again after the summer break!
Sinfis has taken a sneak peek for the autumn season about a week ago by practising for the opening festival concert of the University of Jyväskylä with a smaller group of orchestra members. In addition, there was a space rental gig in Taulumäki church in which the music group assisted with the mass. There was no shortage of things to do this week either, as a string quartet formed from Sinfis players performed, as usual, the Andante festivo at JYU's opening ceremony. In turn, on Thursday Sinfis gave a concert together with the wind band Puhkpillit as part of the university's opening festivities. The audience was full and, at least among the musicians, the atmosphere was awesome!
The concert with Puhkupillit was by no means the last of its kind: this autumn's project is going to be a joint concert between Sinfis and Puhkupillit, and it will be November 19. The orchestras will perform both together as well as as their own groups. The program includes both classical and more brass band-like music.
The regular rehearsals starts on upcoming Monday 5th September at 5pm in the Musica building M103 auditorium, as usual.. Welcome both new and old players! If you can't make it to the first rehearsal, that's fine, you can join the following week as well.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the intendant for more information:
Schedule for the autumn season:
Mon 5th Sep at 17 - rehearsals start
Rehearsal on every Monday from 5pm to 8pm in Musica M103 unless otherwise stated
Mon 12th Sep - Oldies meet Newbies, Opinkivi
Sauna and a hot tub available - please join!
Sat-Sun 24th-25th Sep - rehearsal weekend
Sat-Sun 15th-16th Oct - rehearsal weekend
Sat: Sinfis only, Sun: rehearsal together with Puhkupillit
Mon 14th Nov - Joint concert dress rehearsal
Sat 19th Nov - Joint concert